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Apr 12, 2012, 4:42 PM

You know and love Andrew's code, and maybe you've been lucky enough to get some answers from Andrew directly in the past. Well as the project and core team continues to grow, it's time for our CTO to pass the torch on much of our training sessions to less senior staff.

Mar 31, 2012, 11:26 AM

best-web-tool.png"Winning the award for best web tool is not something that many companies or sites can brag about. To receive this award you have to provide extra value to your users. This award is handed out only if we have been convinced that it's a useful and qualitative tool and resource before we even consider it for an award. If you use sign up for, or use one of these web tools you can rest assured that you will be more than pleased."

Cool! Thanks guys. Here's the link to the listing.

Mar 20, 2012, 12:12 PM

concrete5, the content management system made for marketing but built for geeks, has joined forces with BitNami to simplify the installation of its software natively, virtually and in the cloud.

Mar 6, 2012, 4:04 PM

Heads up theme wizards: concrete5 is running another theme contest. As opposed to the last one, where the challenge was to chop as many themes as possible, the goal this time around is to craft a single quality theme.

Check out the rest of the details over on this page. Prizes to be determined! Big ups to community leaders mnkras and LucasAnderson for putting this together!

Feb 29, 2012, 2:09 PM

GreatDeals_02.pngToday comes once every 4 years, so to make it something special, we thought we'd give away some great deals on eCommerce and its related add-ons here in the marketplace.

Get a single copy of eCommerce for 20% off.

Buy 10 eCommerce licenses, get 50% off, the Leap Year badge and some swag.

Buy eCommerce bundled with 6 add-ons from the Core Team, get $225 off, the Leap Year badge, and some swag.

and more.. we've put all sorts of eCommerce packages together.

Feb 28, 2012, 5:35 PM

We're constantly getting converts from other platforms posting about their positive experiences here in the forums. That's awesome, but I wonder how many people try concrete5, can't find a direct correlation to some architecture concept they're used to in their old system, and then quietly give up?

I would love to have a "getting started with concrete5 for XXXX developers" set of docs. Probably start with them in the how-tos and then repurpose them into the new docs we're thinking about if they're solid. I'm not looking for a book here, but yeah a few pages of real content that will help an experienced dev transition. You should touch on the following concepts, relating them to how you would solve the same problems in your old framework:
Pages, Page types, custom templates, areas vs. global areas, stacks, composer, single pages vs. regular ol' pages.

Systems we'd love to see this for:
Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Modx, SilverStripe

Why bother?

  1. We really need your help on this one. We're not experts in XXXX, you are, so if you enjoy concrete5 and want to give back at all, this is the #1 thing we could use help with.
  2. Feel free to cross post. I'd even prefer you post this to your personal blog promotion site AND our how-tos section. Good for SEO, good for your biz dev.
  3. If yours is approved & accurate, I'll send ya stuff: A badge (the badge here and a real 1" button you can sport with pride in the real world), a t-shirt, and a free copy of ecommerce.

Any questions? Anything more I can explain to help? Thank you all so much in advance!

Feb 24, 2012, 11:30 AM

Passwords: whether you're trying to gain access to your friend's tree-house or your bank account, you will need the correct password. But what's the best way to pick a password? If you look at the keyboard on your computer, you will notice several keys. Most of them have one letter on it. Some of them do not.

Dec 30, 2011, 2:17 PM

This deal is too good to let slip by. Check it out here.

Dec 27, 2011, 5:29 PM

What a year!!!

Nov 17, 2011, 4:10 PM

For some reason we can't grasp there's a sense that concrete5 was designed for small sites. Is this just because it's easy to use and our interface is sexy? So much enterprise software is horrible to use that it's easy to believe "no one would possibly want to use this, so enterprise ready = ugly."