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Feb 5, 2019, 9:28 PM

Interested in working directly with the core team of a successful open source project? We'd love to hear from you. 

Here's just a few ideas we quickly put together that might work for a summer project, but we'd be happy to review yours as well:

  • Implement new UX changes to our file manager. 
  • Build an example database application using Express and create documentation for it. 
  • Rebuild our old showcase area as a more modern stand-alone site. 
  • Build a website for your favorite charity using concrete5. 
  • Help turn the Conversations block into a fully featured forum. 
  • Flesh out all the routes in our REST API
  • Smoother, more powerful and user-friendly migration tool from 5.6 -> v7+
  • Implement an asset pipeline system, as per
  • Check out Github to see what we're working on and pitch your own idea!

Sep 26, 2018, 1:11 AM

Wow, what a great time at CascadiaPHP! I want to personally thank everyone from the community who managed to come out to help make the conference double as our first concrete5-con!

Aug 26, 2018, 4:09 PM

Here’s an update about the PHP event coming up in September...

Aug 24, 2018, 5:45 PM

It should be common knowledge at this point that there is one non-backwards compatible leap between our version history with concrete5. For about 5 years you could just hit update and migrate from version 5.1 to 5.2 to 5.3, etc all the way through 5.6.x. 

We then released "Version 7" which was a pretty deep rewrite of code to follow modern PHP standards. We built migration tools, but it really was a process of building a new site and pulling old content into it. Since those days we've dumped the leading "5." from our version number, and we've been good about keeping that magic update button working. We hope to never have to release a non-backwards compatible version again. 

All of this action happened back in 2014/2015. At the time we promised that we would continue to support version 6, from a security standpoint, until further notice. We additionally promised that when that notice came, it'd be a year out. We totally understand that there are important sites still built with version 6 and it takes time to come up with a coherent strategy to rebuild your site.  We know you need warning so you can plan, so we appreciate the importance of giving you a clear day to start a clear countdown.  

So today is that magic day. 

We are officially announcing end of life on version 6. If we are made aware of a major security issue we will still collaborate on releasing a fix for the next 12 months. After 8/24/2019 we will not support version 6 at all. 

You may have noticed all our own version 6 add-ons were made free some time ago. As it doesn't make sense to sell extensions for a product we don't support, we will be disabling the legacy marketplace sales in 3 months on 11/22/2018. Support will continue to function on those listings for 90 days, after which point the old marketplace will be removed entirely. 

Really it has been well over 3 years since we left this version behind gang. We're already working on version 9 of concrete5. We've got big things ahead and while we know there's plenty of work to do, that work needs to be focused on the future. 



Jul 29, 2018, 8:50 PM

Oookay! Exciting stuff is coming together.

Jul 16, 2018, 8:19 PM


We believe digital publishing should be easy for everyone, and we need your help to make it happen. You have been the muscle behind every move we’ve made here on the core team. Don’t you think it’s time for us to get together in real life?

Jun 22, 2018, 3:04 AM

Hello concrete5 friends.

We believe computers are a great communication tool.

We know managing images and files is a central part of sharing information online, and we know our file manager can be improved. In the last few versions of concrete5 we’ve worked hard on making sure it’s full of features; now it’s time to give it some polish and make it work better.

Jun 14, 2018, 2:15 AM

Frz: Hi concrete5 community! Franz and Andy here…

Andrew: We’re back!


Jun 7, 2018, 2:18 AM

We believe free and easy communication of ideas through computers is important.

May 25, 2018, 1:31 AM

Whew, it’s been a remarkably busy spring with lots of exciting developments for the PortlandLabs team. We still need to come up for air and make some public announcements. Stay tuned for more on that stuff soon.